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Biodiversity Trail

Biodiversity Trail
Welcome to the Ballintober Biodiversity Trail! This walk will take you along the Heritage trail in the village and then out into the countryside on the marked Rambling Looped Walk, discussing the wildlife you are likely to encounter along the way.
With its grand castle, Ballintober is known around the world as a heritage town, but it's not just archaeology, biodiversity is as linked to our history and environment as much as any built structure. The information provided by the QR points along the trail aim to emphasise not just the more impressive
aspects of nature, such as mighty trees and bright flowers, but the more humble, easy to miss flora and fauna as well.
To access the information along this trail, you can go through the map and corresponding pages on this website, or simply scan the QR codes with your camera/Google Lens as you find them. The more we learn about and engage with our natural surroundings, the more likely we are to want to protect and enhance it. We hope you enjoy this Trail, whatever the weather.
We would also like to thank and acknowledge our partnership with Roscommon LEADER and Castles in Communities, who provided funding for this project.
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