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Happy Easter 

April 13th 2022

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out by decorating and painting in the village this Easter . The Village looks beautiful. Thanks also to Casey's in Roscommon for the beautiful bulbs that are blooming throughout the village.

Wishing all our friends at home and abroad a very happy easter.


Ukranian Appeal

March 6th 2022

Active Age Ballintubber and Ballintubber Tidy Towns hosted an appeal for desperately needed stuff for .

Thank you so much to the volunteers who gave up their time to help sort, pack and  distribute much needed items. 

Also thank you so much to all those who generously contributed to this worthwhile cause it was very much appreciated.

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Tidy Towns Awards at the RDS Dublin

Oct 22

A great day at the RDS for Ballintubber Tidy Towns. We won the National Heritage Award and also a Bronze Medal.

Thanks for all those who made it possible and to all the volunteers who work so tireslessly in all weathers.

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Heritage Weekend starts Saturday 16th July 2022

February 12th 2022

Calling all stall holders big & small would you like to join us for our Heritage weekend in Ballintubber.

Display your products, business or service at our street stalls on Display Day Saturday 16th July.

A great opportunity for advertising and networking.

Book your space or stall before July 10th by ringing or text 086 8428659

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International Biodiversity Day

May 22nd 2022

In keeping with Biodiversity week Tom and David Sewing Green Manure seeds in the Biodiversity

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Sunflower Challenge

May 2022

Ballintubber Sunflower Challenge,.... Can you grow the tallest Sunflower in Ballintubber. Have a go , germinate your seeds Plant outside and watch it grow

Entries by WhatsApp 086 8631276 include name , age,, address and eircode

Prize for tallest sunflower.

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Presentation to British Ambassador in Ballintubber

May 2nd 2022

Cllr Anthony Waldron giving a presentation to British Ambassador Paul Johnston during his visit to Ballintubber Castle this morning.

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QR codes istalation

February 12th 2022

Thanks to our busy volunteers, out installing our QR codes in baltic conditions. Always doing something in the background Keep an eye out , our new QR Coded Biodiversity Trail launching soon


We can't wait..thanks to the Leader programme Roscommon Leader Partnership Roscommon County Council for the funding and also Castles in Communities for their contribution and ongoing support

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Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme

November 29th 2021

We are delighted to announce that Ballintubber/ Ballymoe Waterway and Looped Cycle Project has been awarded €179,730 this morning under ORIS Measure

2. This is to further develop the fishing, cycling, and kayaking facilities and experience along the River Suck.

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Daffodil Challenge

October 31st 2021

Following on from our gathering in Ballymoe on Friday, the Cathaoirligh Cllr Joe Murphy, Roscommon and Cllr Peter Keaveney of Galway will meet in Ballygar outside The Courthouse @ 11.30 a.m. on Sunday 31st October, 2021.

A Daffodil planting ceremony will take place to signify the mutual commitment of both Counties in strengthening the initiatives of our glorious thesuckvalleyway.

NOTE: special thanks to Senator Sharon Keogan who orchestrated this DaffodilChallenge and kindly sponsored 500 bulbs - the flowers will be sold in aid of the IrishCancerSociety next Spring!


Outdoor Recreational Project

August 11th 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have received an allocation of over €56k from the Transitional Leader Programne towards our outdoor recreational project which includes a wheelchair accessible fishing area and Kayak launch, a 12km family friendly cycle and information kiosks. An additional allocation of €10k was secured through the Roscommon Municipal District Fund. We want to sincerely thank Roscommon County Council, Roscommon LEADER Partnership, Roscommon LCDC, Roscommon Municipal District Committee and our locally elected reps for their support. We also want to thank everyone who supported our recent fundraiser, this allows us to provide match funding for the project.


Photography Competition

August 17th 2021

Many thanks to all for submitting photos for our Sustainability in Action Photography Competition

This years theme is on Protecting our Natural Resources

Maximum Two entries per Person

Send via WhatsApp 086 8428659 or in message on our Ballintuber Tidy Towns Facebook Page. 

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Rambling Looped Walk Maintenance

June 2nd 2021

Thanks to Roscommon Leader Partnership TUS & RSS participants for commencing maintenance works on the Rambling Looped Walk , fencing parts to keep livestock from damaging the trail is greatly appreciated. Remember when walking adhere to Covid restrictions but also to signage i.e livestock, electric fences.

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Looking for Volunteers......

May 19th 2021

Have you an hour to spare because of Lockdown and bad weather we are behind with our Spring Clean and painting. If you are able to help in anyway we would be delighted to hear from you..

Betty    087 092 9930

Eileen  087 230 8895


Ballintubber Easter Recycling Project

May 10, 2021

Thanks to all those who helped and supported the Ballintubber Easter Project. A big thank you to LCDC section or Roscommon Co Co who funded the project it was a great sucess and lifted the spirits of those in the community, with many people taking part and recyclying and upcyclying to make the village look lovely at Easter time.


Ballintubber Development Association

April 13, 2021

It's great to see work starting back on the lights up the Roscommon road today. Works had been suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions. The Ballintubber Development Association secured Clar funding for this project which will see all 5 kilometers of footpaths around the village fully lit.

Also many thanks again to everyone who supported our Easter Draw funds from this draw will go towards securing match funds from agencies like the Leader and the Dept of Rural and Community Development.


Easter Bonnet Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Active Age Easter Bonnet competition.. There was an amazing display of over 80 hats such creativity and talent. Well done to everyone to took part to make it a huge success. Thanks to Betty and Eileen for sponsoring some of the prizes and to Active age members who also contributed prizes for this event.

               Prize                    Children's                                         Prize                       Adults

1st           €20                 Muirean Feeney                1st           €30                        Liam O'Connor

2nd         €10                 Ciaran Greaney                 2nd         Large Egg            Breda Coleman

3rd          Box of            Donal Towey                     3rd          Box of Chocs       Jean Reilly



Ballintubber Development Association Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Many thanks to our sponsors and to all of those who bought tickets for our draw. Here is a list of the winners.

                              Prize                                        Winner                    Ticket number

1st        Snapper Ride ON Lawmover          Brian Dobbey           Online Ending 352

2nd       2 Lambs                                               Gabriel Kelly           Online Ending 265

3rd        His & Hers Hamper                          Sean Mahon             Ticket 636

4rd        Drinks Hamper                                  Sheila Murray          Ticket 829

5th         €1000 Cash                                         Gabriel Dolan           Online Ending 065

6th         Food Hamper                                      Paul Hoban             Online Ending 005

7th         D'arcys Candle Hamper               Seamus Cunniffee       Online Ending 064  


Free Seed Packs

April 6, 2021

Great initiative being ran by Roscommon County Council.

Get Free Seeds & Do Good Deeds!!

Roscommon Co. Library are currently taking registrations and will dispatch FREE seed packs by post.


0906637326 or


Easter Recycling Project

March 28, 2021

Ballintubber Tidy Towns are now eager to have the best ever Easter recycling project in the Holland park and are asking all parents and children to take part. Along with this active age are hosting the Easter bonnet competition.


Easter Bonnet Competition

March 28, 2021

Just a reminder to those who are entering the Active Age Easter Bonnet Competition.

Please leave your Bonnet to Noeleen or Margaret from this Friday onwards but no later than Sunday 28th so that we can display them for the judge.

Please place your name inside the Bonnet so we can number them accordingly.

Looking forward to a beautiful display.

Noeleen 086 863 1276

Margaret 087 650 0923


The Heritage Council

March 7, 2021

We are delighted to have secured funds from Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2021 for our heritage data collection and storage project. This will allow us to purchase specialised equipment to collate archive and centrally store all the information and data collected by the Castles in Communities project over the past 6 years ,this data is currently on drives/USB and laptops in the USA. This information is in the form of Photos, Mapping Data, Artefact’s Catalogues, PDF's , Library/Bibliographies , there are also audio and visual recordings. This is a significant part of of Local Heritage, Irish history and National Heritage. Thanks to Nollaig Roscommon County Council, for her support. Clonalis House, The Heritage Council, Roscommon Heritage News & Info, Ireland's Hidden Heartlands,

OPW - Office of Public Works


New stree lights for Ballintubber

January 14, 2021

Delighted to have secured €37k CLÁR funding for the installation of street lighting in Ballintubber. When completed it will give a fully lit 5km walk on footpaths. Thanks to Roscommon County Council for their continued support.

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns Biodiversity Competition

June 12, 2020

You all know how BIODIVERSITY is to us here in Ballintubber for the month of May we ran a photography competition open to all age groups.

The competition was judged by Tina Claffey award winning nature Photographer and author of "Tapestry of Light" Irelands wetlands and Boglands.. 

The Presentation for all winners of this competition  is on Sunday 16th August on the Castle Green

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean

June 21,2020

Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean volunteers adheering to social distancing. Thanks to all those who volunteered and gave up their time for this event.

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Shine a light Ballintubber

May 01, 2020

Following the Nationwide success of Shine a Light Ireland. Ballintubber residents response was to shine a light in solidarity and show support and say thank you  to all Front line workers and to also remember  those who sadly passed away from Covid 19. 

Every saturday at 9pm residents shone their lights from outside their homes and sent in photographs to Ballintubber Tidy Towns.

The final shine a light was held at St Brigids Well , A Prayer Service was held .

A moving video has been compiled from all the photos please view on Ballintubber Tidy Towns Facebook Page


Ballintubber Looped Walk Reopened

May 17,2020

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of landowners, committee members and our RRO in

Roscommon Leader Partnership our Looped Walk can reopen Pleased adhere to HSE Guidelines , Social Distancing and Hand Washing advice. 

This is a Family Friendly 4Km walk, the terrain is rough in spots so please wear adequate footwear.

Apologies but Dogs or pets of any description are not permitted on walks as there are livestock in the fields.

We really hope you enjoy the walk and appreciate any feedback.


SuperValu Tidy Town Awards 2019

September 22, 2019

Ballintubber are feeling proud once again at the Helix in Dublin. We were awarded the Bronze Medal and also joint 3rd in the county.

Thank you to all the hardworking Tidy Towns team and to the local community for all your continued support in helping us in keeping Ballintubber a village to be proud of.


Raised By A Village RTE

September 26, 2019

"Raised by a Village" is a four part series from RTE which airs this Sunday 29th September at 6.30pm. The story features 8 city families who are in need of serious help with parenting and are taking drastic steps to get it. In a last ditch attempt to rein in their kids, they move them to the countryside, allowing them to be "Raised by the Village".

The first episode is filmed in the Village of Ballintubber featuring the Garvey and Carley families who kindly hosted two of the teenagers....

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Going Plastic Free

September 22, 2019

Local Students from St Brides School Ballintubber going plastic free using plates and cutlery made from Bamboo


Ballintubber Rambling Loop

August 07, 2019

Delighted to say Ballintubber Rambling Loop, has officially passed its inspection.... scoring a whopping 95 percent. One of the highest scores  the County has ever received.

We are now an Accredited Trail and listed on the National Trails register. 

Another welcome addition to our beautiful village.

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Anthomy Waldronm Elected

May 26, 2019

Great News for Ballintubber .....


"Superb", "Sensational", "Unprecedented", "Unexpected", "Shock" - some of the terms used to describe my election to Roscommon County Council.

Well, what a weekend and what a few months that was. Your support at the doors and on the streets shone through on the day. I can assure you that I'm definitely not shocked by my performance but I am most certainly humbled. Everyone showed me and my team unbelievable warmth throughout the campaign and this came through on the day, THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Thanks also to everyone for all your kind words over the weekend. I hope to meet you all over the coming days and thank you personally for your support, none of this would be possible without you!

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Great News for Ballintubber

April 13, 2019

***Major Announcement***

Minister for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief Kevin "Boxer" Moran, announced at the launch of my Campaign that he is handing back Ballintubber Garda station to the community of Ballintubber.

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Ballintubber Old Graveyard Book by Mary Timoney

December 23, 2018

Ballintober Old Graveyard and The Grave Memorials of Co. Roscommon by Mary B Timoney.
The Book is richly illustrated has 528 pages and 1,331 images and would make a perfect gift. This is available in Kennys Pub, Garveys Bar or request via our facebook page Ballintubber Tidy Towns cost is €40

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Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Old Irish Ways

December 23, 2018

This DVD will be the perfect gift for someone special , a one hour and twenty minute film of Ballintubber Heritage featuring turf cutting, hay making, making St. Bridget crosses, traditional music and dance, visit Colm Dalys Old World Shop, An American wake and much more filmed during summer of 2017. Available in Kennys shop, Garveys Bar or Ballintubber Tidy Towns on our Facebook Page cost €10

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Ballintubber Looped Walk

November 19, 2018

NEW BALLINTUBBER RAMBLING WALK UPDATE;  This walk will be approx 4km in length and family friendly. The walk will begin at the castle, across into local fields and down to Willsgrove Hall and the Thatched cottage. This used to be the Old Mass Path used by residents in times passed to come to the village.  A beautiful scenic walk that we hope everyone will enjoy.  Work has commenced so we will keep you updated.

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Three more Aqwards for Ballintubber

November 19, 2018

Another great evening for Ballintubber Tidy Towns receiving three awards at Castle Leslie Monaghan.

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All Ireland Prideo of Place Runner up 2018

November 17, 2018

Ballintubber are so proud and delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Runner Up in the All Ireland Pride of Place Awards 2018.

Thank you to Roscommon County Council for nominating Ballintubber to Represent Co Roscommon in these awards we were honoured to do so.

Thank you to everyone in the community who participated and worked so hard in helping Ballintubber achieve this award. Special thanks also to Gail and Yvonne who worked so tirelessly putting this all together.


House for Rent

October 14, 2018

House for Rent Ballintubber Village 


Please call 086 213 0723 for more details..

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns 

September 24, 2018

We are proud to announce that we won the National Award for Diversity, the Bronze award for endeavour and came 3rd in the county in the Supervalue Tidy Town Awards.

We could not have done this without all the help from our volunteers, who work very hard to help keep our village looking clean and tidy.

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Suck Valley Way Walkers from the USA

September 09, 2018

Ballintubber gave a warm welcome to Suck Valley Way walkers all the way from the USA.  The Suck Valley Way website is almost up and running, they are looking for people who may be able to offer B&B to walkers in Ballintubber and surrounding areas. 

Please contact Graham on 087 682 4217 if you have a spare room and can offer an overnight stay on a B&B basis.

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Castles in the communities 4th Field Season

July 20, 2018

The Castles in Communities Project is happy to be back again this year, our 4th field season, and once again be receiving such a warm welcome from everyone in Ballintober. We are also really enjoying the lovely weather, which is helping us gets lots done this year! Now in our third week (only one and a half more to go!), we are continuing excavations in the Castle with a focus on the eastern towers, we are exploring the remains of a deserted settlement in Garvey's field (we hope to find out if it dates to medieval times by the end of this field season), and we are continuing our survey of surrounding areas to better understand the ancient landscape. In addition we have commenced a detailed survey of the Graveyard, with intentions to create a 3-D map. Upon completion (expected in 2019), our plan is to gift our survey to the community. We enthusiastically welcome everyone to join us at any of our remaining evening lectures in the schoolhouse (Mondays, Tuesday & Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.), and would especially like to see many at the lecture on Thursday, 26th of July at 7:00 p.m. in the Old Schoolhouse, when we plan on presenting our work from this 2018 season. Again, we express our sincere appreciation to everyone who has helped to make this project an ongoing success! 



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Active Age Pony Drive Fundraiser

July 07, 2018

Active Age Ballintubber Pony Drive fundraiser was a great success and raised a total of 734 euro.
We would like to thank Bonnie Garvey and Tom garvey who were the hosts today and provided the food.
Mary A Burke and PJ who kindly organised the event and also the Hot 2 Trot pony club who gave generously of their time.
We also would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations and spot prizes all greatly appreciated.

Michael Holland , Eileen Kenny, Frank Cafferty, Tony Dollard (Music) , Active Age Members who gave spot prizes ,,,,
Local Businesses:-
Castlerea -
Whispys, Tom Flynns, Kearneys Chemist, Tullys Chemist, Mace, Michael Gunning, Supervalue, All Clear Pharmacy, Scahills- 
Roscommon - 
Gleesons Townhouse, Hynes Pharmacy, Boots Chemist,Euro Giant, Molloys chemist..
Our American Friends in the Kids fun tent, who did a great job of face painting, hair braiding and balloon making.
Thank you to everyone who came along today and gave support we really appreciate it...

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Suck Valley Way Visitors from Overseas

May 12, 2018

A warm Ballintubber welcome was given to two German tourists who were doing the Suck Valley Walk.

Starting in Castlecoote arriving in Ballintubber and then continuing to Castlerea. Whilst here they visited the historical sights staying overnight in local accommodation.


Pride Of Place

May 09, 2018

Exciting news Ballintubber has been selected to represent Roscommon in the Pride of Place Competition which commences next month. The competition focus is about people coming together to shape, change and improve daily lives in their communities. Its a great honour to represent our county and we will be looking to you all for a helping hand. 

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Castles in the Communities Short Film Launch

May 09, 2018

Castles in the Communities short film launch on Friday April 20th, the night was a great success and a great crowd attended. A few pictures on the night are featured in the Roscommon People Newspaper. These short films are available to view now on the Heritage section.

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RWN Intercultural Project at The Old Schoolhouse Ballintubber

April 22, 2018

The RWN county wide intercultural project keeps spreading its wings, today we had a wonderful afternoon in the Old School House Ballintubber. After 5 weeks of Irish dancing workshops in the EROC centre Ballaghaderreen, Irish dancing teacher, Ethna Fahy of Fahy school of dancing invited the Syrian children to her class in Ballintubber who danced beautifully. The warm welcome by the community of Ballintubber was as warm as the beautiful sunny day. Thanks to Ballintubber Tidy towns who donated 2 huge sacks of toys to the children and to Ursula Cunnane for donating books and to Debbie Livermore, Marion Mitchell & Fiona Thompson for your help in organising the hall. Such an inclusive community. The intercultural project continues to grow and integrate communities on its way. This Project is led by Roscommon Women's Network and funded by Department of Integration & Roscommon County Council.


Launch of Ballintubber Castles in Communities Short Films

April 11, 2018

Last Summer, a group of 75 American college students and academic staff arrived in Ballintubber to stay and work on a month-long Archaeological Field School on Ballintubber Castle. This was the third year that the Castles in Communities project has taken place in Ballintubber and to document the activities and events taking place around it, the Community &Enterprise Department of Roscommon County Council commissioned a series of short films about this unique project.


During the month of July, film producers Mimar Media spent time with the students, staff and locals and captured how a small community has reached out overseas to open their village and their way of life to visitors for a whole month.

The short films capture a flavour of why this project works, what is so unique about the students being embedded in the community and what the locals and students think of the whole experience. It’s about all the factors that come together to make this project happen. Documenting the build-up in the run-up to the project, the various events planned, the work of the students and staff on the project, the reactions of the locals and the parting thoughts of the students, the films reveal the friendly welcoming nature of the community of Ballintubber and the enthusiasm of the students staying locally.

Under the banner of Real Roscommon, the films are: “A Castle in our Community”, “Having a Ball in Tubber”, “Not your Bog Standard day” and “Heritage Tour”, the films will launched by the Community of Ballintubber in the Old School House on Friday, April 20th at 8.30pm and all are welcome!
Following the official launch of the films, they will be available to view on the website and on various social media outlets such as and Roscommon County Council Facebook Pages.


Ballintubber featured in the Foothills Student News!

February 17, 2018

The Script, a student-run media group and news source for Foothills College in the US recently featured a story about Ballintubber. Here's an extract of what they said....

The Ireland program will take place from July 1 – August 2 in Ballintober, a small village in County Roscommon, a two hour train ride from Galway or Dublin. Students will spend time excavating castles, surveying the land, and doing lab analysis. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to learn advanced archaeological techniques such as ground-penetrating radar survey and magnetometry to investigate a buried village. Participants will also have the opportunity to take at least 12 units of Anthropology classes while there, which will be taught in person by professors and faculty with over 100 years of combined experience in teaching archaeology. The program will cost $3,150, not including airfare.


Outdoor Recreational Project

August 11th 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have received an allocation of over €56k from the Transitional Leader Programne towards our outdoor recreational project which includes a wheelchair accessible fishing area and Kayak launch, a 12km family friendly cycle and information kiosks. An additional allocation of €10k was secured through the Roscommon Municipal District Fund. We want to sincerely thank Roscommon County Council, Roscommon LEADER Partnership, Roscommon LCDC, Roscommon Municipal District Committee and our locally elected reps for their support. We also want to thank everyone who supported our recent fundraiser, this allows us to provide match funding for the project.


Photography Competition

August 17th 2021

Many thanks to all for submitting photos for our Sustainability in Action Photography Competition

This years theme is on Protecting our Natural Resources

Maximum Two entries per Person

Send via WhatsApp 086 8428659 or in message on our Ballintuber Tidy Towns Facebook Page. 

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Rambling Looped Walk Maintenance

June 2nd 2021

Thanks to Roscommon Leader Partnership TUS & RSS participants for commencing maintenance works on the Rambling Looped Walk , fencing parts to keep livestock from damaging the trail is greatly appreciated. Remember when walking adhere to Covid restrictions but also to signage i.e livestock, electric fences.

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Looking for Volunteers......

May 19th 2021

Have you an hour to spare because of Lockdown and bad weather we are behind with our Spring Clean and painting. If you are able to help in anyway we would be delighted to hear from you..

Betty    087 092 9930

Eileen  087 230 8895


Ballintubber Easter Recycling Project

May 10, 2021

Thanks to all those who helped and supported the Ballintubber Easter Project. A big thank you to LCDC section or Roscommon Co Co who funded the project it was a great sucess and lifted the spirits of those in the community, with many people taking part and recyclying and upcyclying to make the village look lovely at Easter time.


Ballintubber Development Association

April 13, 2021

It's great to see work starting back on the lights up the Roscommon road today. Works had been suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions. The Ballintubber Development Association secured Clar funding for this project which will see all 5 kilometers of footpaths around the village fully lit.

Also many thanks again to everyone who supported our Easter Draw funds from this draw will go towards securing match funds from agencies like the Leader and the Dept of Rural and Community Development.


Easter Bonnet Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Active Age Easter Bonnet competition.. There was an amazing display of over 80 hats such creativity and talent. Well done to everyone to took part to make it a huge success. Thanks to Betty and Eileen for sponsoring some of the prizes and to Active age members who also contributed prizes for this event.

               Prize                    Children's                                         Prize                       Adults

1st           €20                 Muirean Feeney                1st           €30                        Liam O'Connor

2nd         €10                 Ciaran Greaney                 2nd         Large Egg            Breda Coleman

3rd          Box of            Donal Towey                     3rd          Box of Chocs       Jean Reilly



Ballintubber Development Association Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Many thanks to our sponsors and to all of those who bought tickets for our draw. Here is a list of the winners.

                              Prize                                        Winner                    Ticket number

1st        Snapper Ride ON Lawmover          Brian Dobbey           Online Ending 352

2nd       2 Lambs                                               Gabriel Kelly           Online Ending 265

3rd        His & Hers Hamper                          Sean Mahon             Ticket 636

4rd        Drinks Hamper                                  Sheila Murray          Ticket 829

5th         €1000 Cash                                         Gabriel Dolan           Online Ending 065

6th         Food Hamper                                      Paul Hoban             Online Ending 005

7th         D'arcys Candle Hamper               Seamus Cunniffee       Online Ending 064  


Free Seed Packs

April 6, 2021

Great initiative being ran by Roscommon County Council.

Get Free Seeds & Do Good Deeds!!

Roscommon Co. Library are currently taking registrations and will dispatch FREE seed packs by post.


0906637326 or


Easter Recycling Project

March 28, 2021

Ballintubber Tidy Towns are now eager to have the best ever Easter recycling project in the Holland park and are asking all parents and children to take part. Along with this active age are hosting the Easter bonnet competition.


Easter Bonnet Competition

March 28, 2021

Just a reminder to those who are entering the Active Age Easter Bonnet Competition.

Please leave your Bonnet to Noeleen or Margaret from this Friday onwards but no later than Sunday 28th so that we can display them for the judge.

Please place your name inside the Bonnet so we can number them accordingly.

Looking forward to a beautiful display.

Noeleen 086 863 1276

Margaret 087 650 0923


The Heritage Council

March 7, 2021

We are delighted to have secured funds from Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2021 for our heritage data collection and storage project. This will allow us to purchase specialised equipment to collate archive and centrally store all the information and data collected by the Castles in Communities project over the past 6 years ,this data is currently on drives/USB and laptops in the USA. This information is in the form of Photos, Mapping Data, Artefact’s Catalogues, PDF's , Library/Bibliographies , there are also audio and visual recordings. This is a significant part of of Local Heritage, Irish history and National Heritage. Thanks to Nollaig Roscommon County Council, for her support. Clonalis House, The Heritage Council, Roscommon Heritage News & Info, Ireland's Hidden Heartlands,

OPW - Office of Public Works


New stree lights for Ballintubber

January 14, 2021

Delighted to have secured €37k CLÁR funding for the installation of street lighting in Ballintubber. When completed it will give a fully lit 5km walk on footpaths. Thanks to Roscommon County Council for their continued support.


Ballintubber Tidy Towns Biodiversity Competition

June 12, 2020

You all know how BIODIVERSITY is to us here in Ballintubber for the month of May we ran a photography competition open to all age groups.

The competition was judged by Tina Claffey award winning nature Photographer and author of "Tapestry of Light" Irelands wetlands and Boglands.. 

The Presentation for all winners of this competition  is on Sunday 16th August on the Castle Green

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean

June 21,2020

Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean volunteers adheering to social distancing. Thanks to all those who volunteered and gave up their time for this event.

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Shine a light Ballintubber

May 01, 2020

Following the Nationwide success of Shine a Light Ireland. Ballintubber residents response was to shine a light in solidarity and show support and say thank you  to all Front line workers and to also remember  those who sadly passed away from Covid 19. 

Every saturday at 9pm residents shone their lights from outside their homes and sent in photographs to Ballintubber Tidy Towns.

The final shine a light was held at St Brigids Well , A Prayer Service was held .

A moving video has been compiled from all the photos please view on Ballintubber Tidy Towns Facebook Page


Ballintubber Looped Walk Reopened

May 17,2020

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of landowners, committee members and our RRO in

Roscommon Leader Partnership our Looped Walk can reopen Pleased adhere to HSE Guidelines , Social Distancing and Hand Washing advice. 

This is a Family Friendly 4Km walk, the terrain is rough in spots so please wear adequate footwear.

Apologies but Dogs or pets of any description are not permitted on walks as there are livestock in the fields.

We really hope you enjoy the walk and appreciate any feedback.


SuperValu Tidy Town Awards 2019

September 22, 2019

Ballintubber are feeling proud once again at the Helix in Dublin. We were awarded the Bronze Medal and also joint 3rd in the county.

Thank you to all the hardworking Tidy Towns team and to the local community for all your continued support in helping us in keeping Ballintubber a village to be proud of.


Raised By A Village RTE

September 26, 2019

"Raised by a Village" is a four part series from RTE which airs this Sunday 29th September at 6.30pm. The story features 8 city families who are in need of serious help with parenting and are taking drastic steps to get it. In a last ditch attempt to rein in their kids, they move them to the countryside, allowing them to be "Raised by the Village".

The first episode is filmed in the Village of Ballintubber featuring the Garvey and Carley families who kindly hosted two of the teenagers....

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Going Plastic Free

September 22, 2019

Local Students from St Brides School Ballintubber going plastic free using plates and cutlery made from Bamboo


Ballintubber Rambling Loop

August 07, 2019

Delighted to say Ballintubber Rambling Loop, has officially passed its inspection.... scoring a whopping 95 percent. One of the highest scores  the County has ever received.

We are now an Accredited Trail and listed on the National Trails register. 

Another welcome addition to our beautiful village.

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Anthomy Waldronm Elected

May 26, 2019

Great News for Ballintubber .....


"Superb", "Sensational", "Unprecedented", "Unexpected", "Shock" - some of the terms used to describe my election to Roscommon County Council.

Well, what a weekend and what a few months that was. Your support at the doors and on the streets shone through on the day. I can assure you that I'm definitely not shocked by my performance but I am most certainly humbled. Everyone showed me and my team unbelievable warmth throughout the campaign and this came through on the day, THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Thanks also to everyone for all your kind words over the weekend. I hope to meet you all over the coming days and thank you personally for your support, none of this would be possible without you!

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Great News for Ballintubber

April 13, 2019

***Major Announcement***

Minister for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief Kevin "Boxer" Moran, announced at the launch of my Campaign that he is handing back Ballintubber Garda station to the community of Ballintubber.

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Ballintubber Old Graveyard Book by Mary Timoney

December 23, 2018

Ballintober Old Graveyard and The Grave Memorials of Co. Roscommon by Mary B Timoney.
The Book is richly illustrated has 528 pages and 1,331 images and would make a perfect gift. This is available in Kennys Pub, Garveys Bar or request via our facebook page Ballintubber Tidy Towns cost is €40

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Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Old Irish Ways

December 23, 2018

This DVD will be the perfect gift for someone special , a one hour and twenty minute film of Ballintubber Heritage featuring turf cutting, hay making, making St. Bridget crosses, traditional music and dance, visit Colm Dalys Old World Shop, An American wake and much more filmed during summer of 2017. Available in Kennys shop, Garveys Bar or Ballintubber Tidy Towns on our Facebook Page cost €10

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Ballintubber Looped Walk

November 19, 2018

NEW BALLINTUBBER RAMBLING WALK UPDATE;  This walk will be approx 4km in length and family friendly. The walk will begin at the castle, across into local fields and down to Willsgrove Hall and the Thatched cottage. This used to be the Old Mass Path used by residents in times passed to come to the village.  A beautiful scenic walk that we hope everyone will enjoy.  Work has commenced so we will keep you updated.

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Three more Aqwards for Ballintubber

November 19, 2018

Another great evening for Ballintubber Tidy Towns receiving three awards at Castle Leslie Monaghan.

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All Ireland Prideo of Place Runner up 2018

November 17, 2018

Ballintubber are so proud and delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Runner Up in the All Ireland Pride of Place Awards 2018.

Thank you to Roscommon County Council for nominating Ballintubber to Represent Co Roscommon in these awards we were honoured to do so.

Thank you to everyone in the community who participated and worked so hard in helping Ballintubber achieve this award. Special thanks also to Gail and Yvonne who worked so tirelessly putting this all together.


House for Rent

October 14, 2018

House for Rent Ballintubber Village 


Please call 086 213 0723 for more details..

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns 

September 24, 2018

We are proud to announce that we won the National Award for Diversity, the Bronze award for endeavour and came 3rd in the county in the Supervalue Tidy Town Awards.

We could not have done this without all the help from our volunteers, who work very hard to help keep our village looking clean and tidy.

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Suck Valley Way Walkers from the USA

September 09, 2018

Ballintubber gave a warm welcome to Suck Valley Way walkers all the way from the USA.  The Suck Valley Way website is almost up and running, they are looking for people who may be able to offer B&B to walkers in Ballintubber and surrounding areas. 

Please contact Graham on 087 682 4217 if you have a spare room and can offer an overnight stay on a B&B basis.

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Castles in the communities 4th Field Season

July 20, 2018

The Castles in Communities Project is happy to be back again this year, our 4th field season, and once again be receiving such a warm welcome from everyone in Ballintober. We are also really enjoying the lovely weather, which is helping us gets lots done this year! Now in our third week (only one and a half more to go!), we are continuing excavations in the Castle with a focus on the eastern towers, we are exploring the remains of a deserted settlement in Garvey's field (we hope to find out if it dates to medieval times by the end of this field season), and we are continuing our survey of surrounding areas to better understand the ancient landscape. In addition we have commenced a detailed survey of the Graveyard, with intentions to create a 3-D map. Upon completion (expected in 2019), our plan is to gift our survey to the community. We enthusiastically welcome everyone to join us at any of our remaining evening lectures in the schoolhouse (Mondays, Tuesday & Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.), and would especially like to see many at the lecture on Thursday, 26th of July at 7:00 p.m. in the Old Schoolhouse, when we plan on presenting our work from this 2018 season. Again, we express our sincere appreciation to everyone who has helped to make this project an ongoing success! 



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Active Age Pony Drive Fundraiser

July 07, 2018

Active Age Ballintubber Pony Drive fundraiser was a great success and raised a total of 734 euro.
We would like to thank Bonnie Garvey and Tom garvey who were the hosts today and provided the food.
Mary A Burke and PJ who kindly organised the event and also the Hot 2 Trot pony club who gave generously of their time.
We also would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations and spot prizes all greatly appreciated.

Michael Holland , Eileen Kenny, Frank Cafferty, Tony Dollard (Music) , Active Age Members who gave spot prizes ,,,,
Local Businesses:-
Castlerea -
Whispys, Tom Flynns, Kearneys Chemist, Tullys Chemist, Mace, Michael Gunning, Supervalue, All Clear Pharmacy, Scahills- 
Roscommon - 
Gleesons Townhouse, Hynes Pharmacy, Boots Chemist,Euro Giant, Molloys chemist..
Our American Friends in the Kids fun tent, who did a great job of face painting, hair braiding and balloon making.
Thank you to everyone who came along today and gave support we really appreciate it...

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Suck Valley Way Visitors from Overseas

May 12, 2018

A warm Ballintubber welcome was given to two German tourists who were doing the Suck Valley Walk.

Starting in Castlecoote arriving in Ballintubber and then continuing to Castlerea. Whilst here they visited the historical sights staying overnight in local accommodation.


Pride Of Place

May 09, 2018

Exciting news Ballintubber has been selected to represent Roscommon in the Pride of Place Competition which commences next month. The competition focus is about people coming together to shape, change and improve daily lives in their communities. Its a great honour to represent our county and we will be looking to you all for a helping hand. 

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Castles in the Communities Short Film Launch

May 09, 2018

Castles in the Communities short film launch on Friday April 20th, the night was a great success and a great crowd attended. A few pictures on the night are featured in the Roscommon People Newspaper. These short films are available to view now on the Heritage section.

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RWN Intercultural Project at The Old Schoolhouse Ballintubber

April 22, 2018

The RWN county wide intercultural project keeps spreading its wings, today we had a wonderful afternoon in the Old School House Ballintubber. After 5 weeks of Irish dancing workshops in the EROC centre Ballaghaderreen, Irish dancing teacher, Ethna Fahy of Fahy school of dancing invited the Syrian children to her class in Ballintubber who danced beautifully. The warm welcome by the community of Ballintubber was as warm as the beautiful sunny day. Thanks to Ballintubber Tidy towns who donated 2 huge sacks of toys to the children and to Ursula Cunnane for donating books and to Debbie Livermore, Marion Mitchell & Fiona Thompson for your help in organising the hall. Such an inclusive community. The intercultural project continues to grow and integrate communities on its way. This Project is led by Roscommon Women's Network and funded by Department of Integration & Roscommon County Council.


Launch of Ballintubber Castles in Communities Short Films

April 11, 2018

Last Summer, a group of 75 American college students and academic staff arrived in Ballintubber to stay and work on a month-long Archaeological Field School on Ballintubber Castle. This was the third year that the Castles in Communities project has taken place in Ballintubber and to document the activities and events taking place around it, the Community &Enterprise Department of Roscommon County Council commissioned a series of short films about this unique project.


During the month of July, film producers Mimar Media spent time with the students, staff and locals and captured how a small community has reached out overseas to open their village and their way of life to visitors for a whole month.

The short films capture a flavour of why this project works, what is so unique about the students being embedded in the community and what the locals and students think of the whole experience. It’s about all the factors that come together to make this project happen. Documenting the build-up in the run-up to the project, the various events planned, the work of the students and staff on the project, the reactions of the locals and the parting thoughts of the students, the films reveal the friendly welcoming nature of the community of Ballintubber and the enthusiasm of the students staying locally.

Under the banner of Real Roscommon, the films are: “A Castle in our Community”, “Having a Ball in Tubber”, “Not your Bog Standard day” and “Heritage Tour”, the films will launched by the Community of Ballintubber in the Old School House on Friday, April 20th at 8.30pm and all are welcome!
Following the official launch of the films, they will be available to view on the website and on various social media outlets such as and Roscommon County Council Facebook Pages.


Ballintubber featured in the Foothills Student News!

February 17, 2018

The Script, a student-run media group and news source for Foothills College in the US recently featured a story about Ballintubber. Here's an extract of what they said....

The Ireland program will take place from July 1 – August 2 in Ballintober, a small village in County Roscommon, a two hour train ride from Galway or Dublin. Students will spend time excavating castles, surveying the land, and doing lab analysis. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to learn advanced archaeological techniques such as ground-penetrating radar survey and magnetometry to investigate a buried village. Participants will also have the opportunity to take at least 12 units of Anthropology classes while there, which will be taught in person by professors and faculty with over 100 years of combined experience in teaching archaeology. The program will cost $3,150, not including airfare.

Latest News

Raised by a Village


Watch the preview right ahead ahead of the broadcast on RTE Sunday 29th.



Outdoor Recreational Project

August 11th 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have received an allocation of over €56k from the Transitional Leader Programne towards our outdoor recreational project which includes a wheelchair accessible fishing area and Kayak launch, a 12km family friendly cycle and information kiosks. An additional allocation of €10k was secured through the Roscommon Municipal District Fund. We want to sincerely thank Roscommon County Council, Roscommon LEADER Partnership, Roscommon LCDC, Roscommon Municipal District Committee and our locally elected reps for their support. We also want to thank everyone who supported our recent fundraiser, this allows us to provide match funding for the project.


Photography Competition

August 17th 2021

Many thanks to all for submitting photos for our Sustainability in Action Photography Competition

This years theme is on Protecting our Natural Resources

Maximum Two entries per Person

Send via WhatsApp 086 8428659 or in message on our Ballintuber Tidy Towns Facebook Page. 

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Rambling Looped Walk Maintenance

June 2nd 2021

Thanks to Roscommon Leader Partnership TUS & RSS participants for commencing maintenance works on the Rambling Looped Walk , fencing parts to keep livestock from damaging the trail is greatly appreciated. Remember when walking adhere to Covid restrictions but also to signage i.e livestock, electric fences.

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Looking for Volunteers......

May 19th 2021

Have you an hour to spare because of Lockdown and bad weather we are behind with our Spring Clean and painting. If you are able to help in anyway we would be delighted to hear from you..

Betty    087 092 9930

Eileen  087 230 8895


Ballintubber Easter Recycling Project

May 10, 2021

Thanks to all those who helped and supported the Ballintubber Easter Project. A big thank you to LCDC section or Roscommon Co Co who funded the project it was a great sucess and lifted the spirits of those in the community, with many people taking part and recyclying and upcyclying to make the village look lovely at Easter time.


Ballintubber Development Association

April 13, 2021

It's great to see work starting back on the lights up the Roscommon road today. Works had been suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions. The Ballintubber Development Association secured Clar funding for this project which will see all 5 kilometers of footpaths around the village fully lit.

Also many thanks again to everyone who supported our Easter Draw funds from this draw will go towards securing match funds from agencies like the Leader and the Dept of Rural and Community Development.


Easter Bonnet Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Active Age Easter Bonnet competition.. There was an amazing display of over 80 hats such creativity and talent. Well done to everyone to took part to make it a huge success. Thanks to Betty and Eileen for sponsoring some of the prizes and to Active age members who also contributed prizes for this event.

               Prize                    Children's                                         Prize                       Adults

1st           €20                 Muirean Feeney                1st           €30                        Liam O'Connor

2nd         €10                 Ciaran Greaney                 2nd         Large Egg            Breda Coleman

3rd          Box of            Donal Towey                     3rd          Box of Chocs       Jean Reilly



Ballintubber Development Association Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Many thanks to our sponsors and to all of those who bought tickets for our draw. Here is a list of the winners.

                              Prize                                        Winner                    Ticket number

1st        Snapper Ride ON Lawmover          Brian Dobbey           Online Ending 352

2nd       2 Lambs                                               Gabriel Kelly           Online Ending 265

3rd        His & Hers Hamper                          Sean Mahon             Ticket 636

4rd        Drinks Hamper                                  Sheila Murray          Ticket 829

5th         €1000 Cash                                         Gabriel Dolan           Online Ending 065

6th         Food Hamper                                      Paul Hoban             Online Ending 005

7th         D'arcys Candle Hamper               Seamus Cunniffee       Online Ending 064  


Free Seed Packs

April 6, 2021

Great initiative being ran by Roscommon County Council.

Get Free Seeds & Do Good Deeds!!

Roscommon Co. Library are currently taking registrations and will dispatch FREE seed packs by post.


0906637326 or


Easter Recycling Project

March 28, 2021

Ballintubber Tidy Towns are now eager to have the best ever Easter recycling project in the Holland park and are asking all parents and children to take part. Along with this active age are hosting the Easter bonnet competition.


Easter Bonnet Competition

March 28, 2021

Just a reminder to those who are entering the Active Age Easter Bonnet Competition.

Please leave your Bonnet to Noeleen or Margaret from this Friday onwards but no later than Sunday 28th so that we can display them for the judge.

Please place your name inside the Bonnet so we can number them accordingly.

Looking forward to a beautiful display.

Noeleen 086 863 1276

Margaret 087 650 0923


The Heritage Council

March 7, 2021

We are delighted to have secured funds from Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2021 for our heritage data collection and storage project. This will allow us to purchase specialised equipment to collate archive and centrally store all the information and data collected by the Castles in Communities project over the past 6 years ,this data is currently on drives/USB and laptops in the USA. This information is in the form of Photos, Mapping Data, Artefact’s Catalogues, PDF's , Library/Bibliographies , there are also audio and visual recordings. This is a significant part of of Local Heritage, Irish history and National Heritage. Thanks to Nollaig Roscommon County Council, for her support. Clonalis House, The Heritage Council, Roscommon Heritage News & Info, Ireland's Hidden Heartlands,

OPW - Office of Public Works


New stree lights for Ballintubber

January 14, 2021

Delighted to have secured €37k CLÁR funding for the installation of street lighting in Ballintubber. When completed it will give a fully lit 5km walk on footpaths. Thanks to Roscommon County Council for their continued support.


Ballintubber Tidy Towns Biodiversity Competition

June 12, 2020

You all know how BIODIVERSITY is to us here in Ballintubber for the month of May we ran a photography competition open to all age groups.

The competition was judged by Tina Claffey award winning nature Photographer and author of "Tapestry of Light" Irelands wetlands and Boglands.. 

The Presentation for all winners of this competition  is on Sunday 16th August on the Castle Green

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean

June 21,2020

Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean volunteers adheering to social distancing. Thanks to all those who volunteered and gave up their time for this event.

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Shine a light Ballintubber

May 01, 2020

Following the Nationwide success of Shine a Light Ireland. Ballintubber residents response was to shine a light in solidarity and show support and say thank you  to all Front line workers and to also remember  those who sadly passed away from Covid 19. 

Every saturday at 9pm residents shone their lights from outside their homes and sent in photographs to Ballintubber Tidy Towns.

The final shine a light was held at St Brigids Well , A Prayer Service was held .

A moving video has been compiled from all the photos please view on Ballintubber Tidy Towns Facebook Page


Ballintubber Looped Walk Reopened

May 17,2020

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of landowners, committee members and our RRO in

Roscommon Leader Partnership our Looped Walk can reopen Pleased adhere to HSE Guidelines , Social Distancing and Hand Washing advice. 

This is a Family Friendly 4Km walk, the terrain is rough in spots so please wear adequate footwear.

Apologies but Dogs or pets of any description are not permitted on walks as there are livestock in the fields.

We really hope you enjoy the walk and appreciate any feedback.


SuperValu Tidy Town Awards 2019

September 22, 2019

Ballintubber are feeling proud once again at the Helix in Dublin. We were awarded the Bronze Medal and also joint 3rd in the county.

Thank you to all the hardworking Tidy Towns team and to the local community for all your continued support in helping us in keeping Ballintubber a village to be proud of.


Raised By A Village RTE

September 26, 2019

"Raised by a Village" is a four part series from RTE which airs this Sunday 29th September at 6.30pm. The story features 8 city families who are in need of serious help with parenting and are taking drastic steps to get it. In a last ditch attempt to rein in their kids, they move them to the countryside, allowing them to be "Raised by the Village".

The first episode is filmed in the Village of Ballintubber featuring the Garvey and Carley families who kindly hosted two of the teenagers....

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Going Plastic Free

September 22, 2019

Local Students from St Brides School Ballintubber going plastic free using plates and cutlery made from Bamboo


Ballintubber Rambling Loop

August 07, 2019

Delighted to say Ballintubber Rambling Loop, has officially passed its inspection.... scoring a whopping 95 percent. One of the highest scores  the County has ever received.

We are now an Accredited Trail and listed on the National Trails register. 

Another welcome addition to our beautiful village.

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Anthomy Waldronm Elected

May 26, 2019

Great News for Ballintubber .....


"Superb", "Sensational", "Unprecedented", "Unexpected", "Shock" - some of the terms used to describe my election to Roscommon County Council.

Well, what a weekend and what a few months that was. Your support at the doors and on the streets shone through on the day. I can assure you that I'm definitely not shocked by my performance but I am most certainly humbled. Everyone showed me and my team unbelievable warmth throughout the campaign and this came through on the day, THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Thanks also to everyone for all your kind words over the weekend. I hope to meet you all over the coming days and thank you personally for your support, none of this would be possible without you!

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Great News for Ballintubber

April 13, 2019

***Major Announcement***

Minister for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief Kevin "Boxer" Moran, announced at the launch of my Campaign that he is handing back Ballintubber Garda station to the community of Ballintubber.

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Ballintubber Old Graveyard Book by Mary Timoney

December 23, 2018

Ballintober Old Graveyard and The Grave Memorials of Co. Roscommon by Mary B Timoney.
The Book is richly illustrated has 528 pages and 1,331 images and would make a perfect gift. This is available in Kennys Pub, Garveys Bar or request via our facebook page Ballintubber Tidy Towns cost is €40

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Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Old Irish Ways

December 23, 2018

This DVD will be the perfect gift for someone special , a one hour and twenty minute film of Ballintubber Heritage featuring turf cutting, hay making, making St. Bridget crosses, traditional music and dance, visit Colm Dalys Old World Shop, An American wake and much more filmed during summer of 2017. Available in Kennys shop, Garveys Bar or Ballintubber Tidy Towns on our Facebook Page cost €10

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Ballintubber Looped Walk

November 19, 2018

NEW BALLINTUBBER RAMBLING WALK UPDATE;  This walk will be approx 4km in length and family friendly. The walk will begin at the castle, across into local fields and down to Willsgrove Hall and the Thatched cottage. This used to be the Old Mass Path used by residents in times passed to come to the village.  A beautiful scenic walk that we hope everyone will enjoy.  Work has commenced so we will keep you updated.

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Three more Aqwards for Ballintubber

November 19, 2018

Another great evening for Ballintubber Tidy Towns receiving three awards at Castle Leslie Monaghan.

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All Ireland Prideo of Place Runner up 2018

November 17, 2018

Ballintubber are so proud and delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Runner Up in the All Ireland Pride of Place Awards 2018.

Thank you to Roscommon County Council for nominating Ballintubber to Represent Co Roscommon in these awards we were honoured to do so.

Thank you to everyone in the community who participated and worked so hard in helping Ballintubber achieve this award. Special thanks also to Gail and Yvonne who worked so tirelessly putting this all together.


House for Rent

October 14, 2018

House for Rent Ballintubber Village 


Please call 086 213 0723 for more details..

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns 

September 24, 2018

We are proud to announce that we won the National Award for Diversity, the Bronze award for endeavour and came 3rd in the county in the Supervalue Tidy Town Awards.

We could not have done this without all the help from our volunteers, who work very hard to help keep our village looking clean and tidy.

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Suck Valley Way Walkers from the USA

September 09, 2018

Ballintubber gave a warm welcome to Suck Valley Way walkers all the way from the USA.  The Suck Valley Way website is almost up and running, they are looking for people who may be able to offer B&B to walkers in Ballintubber and surrounding areas. 

Please contact Graham on 087 682 4217 if you have a spare room and can offer an overnight stay on a B&B basis.

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Castles in the communities 4th Field Season

July 20, 2018

The Castles in Communities Project is happy to be back again this year, our 4th field season, and once again be receiving such a warm welcome from everyone in Ballintober. We are also really enjoying the lovely weather, which is helping us gets lots done this year! Now in our third week (only one and a half more to go!), we are continuing excavations in the Castle with a focus on the eastern towers, we are exploring the remains of a deserted settlement in Garvey's field (we hope to find out if it dates to medieval times by the end of this field season), and we are continuing our survey of surrounding areas to better understand the ancient landscape. In addition we have commenced a detailed survey of the Graveyard, with intentions to create a 3-D map. Upon completion (expected in 2019), our plan is to gift our survey to the community. We enthusiastically welcome everyone to join us at any of our remaining evening lectures in the schoolhouse (Mondays, Tuesday & Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.), and would especially like to see many at the lecture on Thursday, 26th of July at 7:00 p.m. in the Old Schoolhouse, when we plan on presenting our work from this 2018 season. Again, we express our sincere appreciation to everyone who has helped to make this project an ongoing success! 



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Active Age Pony Drive Fundraiser

July 07, 2018

Active Age Ballintubber Pony Drive fundraiser was a great success and raised a total of 734 euro.
We would like to thank Bonnie Garvey and Tom garvey who were the hosts today and provided the food.
Mary A Burke and PJ who kindly organised the event and also the Hot 2 Trot pony club who gave generously of their time.
We also would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations and spot prizes all greatly appreciated.

Michael Holland , Eileen Kenny, Frank Cafferty, Tony Dollard (Music) , Active Age Members who gave spot prizes ,,,,
Local Businesses:-
Castlerea -
Whispys, Tom Flynns, Kearneys Chemist, Tullys Chemist, Mace, Michael Gunning, Supervalue, All Clear Pharmacy, Scahills- 
Roscommon - 
Gleesons Townhouse, Hynes Pharmacy, Boots Chemist,Euro Giant, Molloys chemist..
Our American Friends in the Kids fun tent, who did a great job of face painting, hair braiding and balloon making.
Thank you to everyone who came along today and gave support we really appreciate it...

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Suck Valley Way Visitors from Overseas

May 12, 2018

A warm Ballintubber welcome was given to two German tourists who were doing the Suck Valley Walk.

Starting in Castlecoote arriving in Ballintubber and then continuing to Castlerea. Whilst here they visited the historical sights staying overnight in local accommodation.


Pride Of Place

May 09, 2018

Exciting news Ballintubber has been selected to represent Roscommon in the Pride of Place Competition which commences next month. The competition focus is about people coming together to shape, change and improve daily lives in their communities. Its a great honour to represent our county and we will be looking to you all for a helping hand. 

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Castles in the Communities Short Film Launch

May 09, 2018

Castles in the Communities short film launch on Friday April 20th, the night was a great success and a great crowd attended. A few pictures on the night are featured in the Roscommon People Newspaper. These short films are available to view now on the Heritage section.

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RWN Intercultural Project at The Old Schoolhouse Ballintubber

April 22, 2018

The RWN county wide intercultural project keeps spreading its wings, today we had a wonderful afternoon in the Old School House Ballintubber. After 5 weeks of Irish dancing workshops in the EROC centre Ballaghaderreen, Irish dancing teacher, Ethna Fahy of Fahy school of dancing invited the Syrian children to her class in Ballintubber who danced beautifully. The warm welcome by the community of Ballintubber was as warm as the beautiful sunny day. Thanks to Ballintubber Tidy towns who donated 2 huge sacks of toys to the children and to Ursula Cunnane for donating books and to Debbie Livermore, Marion Mitchell & Fiona Thompson for your help in organising the hall. Such an inclusive community. The intercultural project continues to grow and integrate communities on its way. This Project is led by Roscommon Women's Network and funded by Department of Integration & Roscommon County Council.


Launch of Ballintubber Castles in Communities Short Films

April 11, 2018

Last Summer, a group of 75 American college students and academic staff arrived in Ballintubber to stay and work on a month-long Archaeological Field School on Ballintubber Castle. This was the third year that the Castles in Communities project has taken place in Ballintubber and to document the activities and events taking place around it, the Community &Enterprise Department of Roscommon County Council commissioned a series of short films about this unique project.


During the month of July, film producers Mimar Media spent time with the students, staff and locals and captured how a small community has reached out overseas to open their village and their way of life to visitors for a whole month.

The short films capture a flavour of why this project works, what is so unique about the students being embedded in the community and what the locals and students think of the whole experience. It’s about all the factors that come together to make this project happen. Documenting the build-up in the run-up to the project, the various events planned, the work of the students and staff on the project, the reactions of the locals and the parting thoughts of the students, the films reveal the friendly welcoming nature of the community of Ballintubber and the enthusiasm of the students staying locally.

Under the banner of Real Roscommon, the films are: “A Castle in our Community”, “Having a Ball in Tubber”, “Not your Bog Standard day” and “Heritage Tour”, the films will launched by the Community of Ballintubber in the Old School House on Friday, April 20th at 8.30pm and all are welcome!
Following the official launch of the films, they will be available to view on the website and on various social media outlets such as and Roscommon County Council Facebook Pages.


Ballintubber featured in the Foothills Student News!

February 17, 2018

The Script, a student-run media group and news source for Foothills College in the US recently featured a story about Ballintubber. Here's an extract of what they said....

The Ireland program will take place from July 1 – August 2 in Ballintober, a small village in County Roscommon, a two hour train ride from Galway or Dublin. Students will spend time excavating castles, surveying the land, and doing lab analysis. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to learn advanced archaeological techniques such as ground-penetrating radar survey and magnetometry to investigate a buried village. Participants will also have the opportunity to take at least 12 units of Anthropology classes while there, which will be taught in person by professors and faculty with over 100 years of combined experience in teaching archaeology. The program will cost $3,150, not including airfare.

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Heritage Weekend starts Saturday 16th July 2022

February 12th 2022

Calling all stall holders big & small would you like to join us for our Heritage weekend in Ballintubber.

Display your products, business or service at our street stalls on Display Day Saturday 16th July.

A great opportunity for advertising and networking.

Book your space or stall before July 10th by ringing or text 086 8428659

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International Biodiversity Day

May 22nd 2022

In keeping with Biodiversity week Tom and David Sewing Green Manure seeds in the Biodiversity

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Sunflower Challenge

May 2022

Ballintubber Sunflower Challenge,.... Can you grow the tallest Sunflower in Ballintubber. Have a go , germinate your seeds Plant outside and watch it grow

Entries by WhatsApp 086 8631276 include name , age,, address and eircode

Prize for tallest sunflower.

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Presentation to British Ambassador in Ballintubber

May 2nd 2022

Cllr Anthony Waldron giving a presentation to British Ambassador Paul Johnston during his visit to Ballintubber Castle this morning.


Happy Easter 

April 13th 2022

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out by decorating and painting in the village this Easter . The Village looks beautiful. Thanks also to Casey's in Roscommon for the beautiful bulbs that are blooming throughout the village.

Wishing all our friends at home and abroad a very happy easter.


Ukranian Appeal

March 6th 2022

Active Age Ballintubber and Ballintubber Tidy Towns hosted an appeal for desperately needed stuff for .

Thank you so much to the volunteers who gave up their time to help sort, pack and  distribute much needed items. 

Also thank you so much to all those who generously contributed to this worthwhile cause it was very much appreciated.

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QR codes istalation

February 12th 2022

Thanks to our busy volunteers, out installing our QR codes in baltic conditions. Always doing something in the background Keep an eye out , our new QR Coded Biodiversity Trail launching soon


We can't wait..thanks to the Leader programme Roscommon Leader Partnership Roscommon County Council for the funding and also Castles in Communities for their contribution and ongoing support

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Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme

November 29th 2021

We are delighted to announce that Ballintubber/ Ballymoe Waterway and Looped Cycle Project has been awarded €179,730 this morning under ORIS Measure

2. This is to further develop the fishing, cycling, and kayaking facilities and experience along the River Suck.

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Daffodil Challenge

October 31st 2021

Following on from our gathering in Ballymoe on Friday, the Cathaoirligh Cllr Joe Murphy, Roscommon and Cllr Peter Keaveney of Galway will meet in Ballygar outside The Courthouse @ 11.30 a.m. on Sunday 31st October, 2021.

A Daffodil planting ceremony will take place to signify the mutual commitment of both Counties in strengthening the initiatives of our glorious thesuckvalleyway.

NOTE: special thanks to Senator Sharon Keogan who orchestrated this DaffodilChallenge and kindly sponsored 500 bulbs - the flowers will be sold in aid of the IrishCancerSociety next Spring!


Outdoor Recreational Project

August 11th 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have received an allocation of over €56k from the Transitional Leader Programne towards our outdoor recreational project which includes a wheelchair accessible fishing area and Kayak launch, a 12km family friendly cycle and information kiosks. An additional allocation of €10k was secured through the Roscommon Municipal District Fund. We want to sincerely thank Roscommon County Council, Roscommon LEADER Partnership, Roscommon LCDC, Roscommon Municipal District Committee and our locally elected reps for their support. We also want to thank everyone who supported our recent fundraiser, this allows us to provide match funding for the project.


Photography Competition

August 17th 2021

Many thanks to all for submitting photos for our Sustainability in Action Photography Competition

This years theme is on Protecting our Natural Resources

Maximum Two entries per Person

Send via WhatsApp 086 8428659 or in message on our Ballintuber Tidy Towns Facebook Page. 

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Rambling Looped Walk Maintenance

June 2nd 2021

Thanks to Roscommon Leader Partnership TUS & RSS participants for commencing maintenance works on the Rambling Looped Walk , fencing parts to keep livestock from damaging the trail is greatly appreciated. Remember when walking adhere to Covid restrictions but also to signage i.e livestock, electric fences.

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Looking for Volunteers......

May 19th 2021

Have you an hour to spare because of Lockdown and bad weather we are behind with our Spring Clean and painting. If you are able to help in anyway we would be delighted to hear from you..

Betty    087 092 9930

Eileen  087 230 8895


Ballintubber Easter Recycling Project

May 10, 2021

Thanks to all those who helped and supported the Ballintubber Easter Project. A big thank you to LCDC section or Roscommon Co Co who funded the project it was a great sucess and lifted the spirits of those in the community, with many people taking part and recyclying and upcyclying to make the village look lovely at Easter time.


Ballintubber Development Association

April 13, 2021

It's great to see work starting back on the lights up the Roscommon road today. Works had been suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions. The Ballintubber Development Association secured Clar funding for this project which will see all 5 kilometers of footpaths around the village fully lit.

Also many thanks again to everyone who supported our Easter Draw funds from this draw will go towards securing match funds from agencies like the Leader and the Dept of Rural and Community Development.


Easter Bonnet Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Active Age Easter Bonnet competition.. There was an amazing display of over 80 hats such creativity and talent. Well done to everyone to took part to make it a huge success. Thanks to Betty and Eileen for sponsoring some of the prizes and to Active age members who also contributed prizes for this event.

               Prize                    Children's                                         Prize                       Adults

1st           €20                 Muirean Feeney                1st           €30                        Liam O'Connor

2nd         €10                 Ciaran Greaney                 2nd         Large Egg            Breda Coleman

3rd          Box of            Donal Towey                     3rd          Box of Chocs       Jean Reilly



Ballintubber Development Association Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Many thanks to our sponsors and to all of those who bought tickets for our draw. Here is a list of the winners.

                              Prize                                        Winner                    Ticket number

1st        Snapper Ride ON Lawmover          Brian Dobbey           Online Ending 352

2nd       2 Lambs                                               Gabriel Kelly           Online Ending 265

3rd        His & Hers Hamper                          Sean Mahon             Ticket 636

4rd        Drinks Hamper                                  Sheila Murray          Ticket 829

5th         €1000 Cash                                         Gabriel Dolan           Online Ending 065

6th         Food Hamper                                      Paul Hoban             Online Ending 005

7th         D'arcys Candle Hamper               Seamus Cunniffee       Online Ending 064  


Free Seed Packs

April 6, 2021

Great initiative being ran by Roscommon County Council.

Get Free Seeds & Do Good Deeds!!

Roscommon Co. Library are currently taking registrations and will dispatch FREE seed packs by post.


0906637326 or


Easter Recycling Project

March 28, 2021

Ballintubber Tidy Towns are now eager to have the best ever Easter recycling project in the Holland park and are asking all parents and children to take part. Along with this active age are hosting the Easter bonnet competition.


Easter Bonnet Competition

March 28, 2021

Just a reminder to those who are entering the Active Age Easter Bonnet Competition.

Please leave your Bonnet to Noeleen or Margaret from this Friday onwards but no later than Sunday 28th so that we can display them for the judge.

Please place your name inside the Bonnet so we can number them accordingly.

Looking forward to a beautiful display.

Noeleen 086 863 1276

Margaret 087 650 0923


The Heritage Council

March 7, 2021

We are delighted to have secured funds from Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2021 for our heritage data collection and storage project. This will allow us to purchase specialised equipment to collate archive and centrally store all the information and data collected by the Castles in Communities project over the past 6 years ,this data is currently on drives/USB and laptops in the USA. This information is in the form of Photos, Mapping Data, Artefact’s Catalogues, PDF's , Library/Bibliographies , there are also audio and visual recordings. This is a significant part of of Local Heritage, Irish history and National Heritage. Thanks to Nollaig Roscommon County Council, for her support. Clonalis House, The Heritage Council, Roscommon Heritage News & Info, Ireland's Hidden Heartlands,

OPW - Office of Public Works


New stree lights for Ballintubber

January 14, 2021

Delighted to have secured €37k CLÁR funding for the installation of street lighting in Ballintubber. When completed it will give a fully lit 5km walk on footpaths. Thanks to Roscommon County Council for their continued support.

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns Biodiversity Competition

June 12, 2020

You all know how BIODIVERSITY is to us here in Ballintubber for the month of May we ran a photography competition open to all age groups.

The competition was judged by Tina Claffey award winning nature Photographer and author of "Tapestry of Light" Irelands wetlands and Boglands.. 

The Presentation for all winners of this competition  is on Sunday 16th August on the Castle Green

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean

June 21,2020

Ballintubber Tidy Towns Spring Clean volunteers adheering to social distancing. Thanks to all those who volunteered and gave up their time for this event.

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Shine a light Ballintubber

May 01, 2020

Following the Nationwide success of Shine a Light Ireland. Ballintubber residents response was to shine a light in solidarity and show support and say thank you  to all Front line workers and to also remember  those who sadly passed away from Covid 19. 

Every saturday at 9pm residents shone their lights from outside their homes and sent in photographs to Ballintubber Tidy Towns.

The final shine a light was held at St Brigids Well , A Prayer Service was held .

A moving video has been compiled from all the photos please view on Ballintubber Tidy Towns Facebook Page


Ballintubber Looped Walk Reopened

May 17,2020

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of landowners, committee members and our RRO in

Roscommon Leader Partnership our Looped Walk can reopen Pleased adhere to HSE Guidelines , Social Distancing and Hand Washing advice. 

This is a Family Friendly 4Km walk, the terrain is rough in spots so please wear adequate footwear.

Apologies but Dogs or pets of any description are not permitted on walks as there are livestock in the fields.

We really hope you enjoy the walk and appreciate any feedback.


SuperValu Tidy Town Awards 2019

September 22, 2019

Ballintubber are feeling proud once again at the Helix in Dublin. We were awarded the Bronze Medal and also joint 3rd in the county.

Thank you to all the hardworking Tidy Towns team and to the local community for all your continued support in helping us in keeping Ballintubber a village to be proud of.


Raised By A Village RTE

September 26, 2019

"Raised by a Village" is a four part series from RTE which airs this Sunday 29th September at 6.30pm. The story features 8 city families who are in need of serious help with parenting and are taking drastic steps to get it. In a last ditch attempt to rein in their kids, they move them to the countryside, allowing them to be "Raised by the Village".

The first episode is filmed in the Village of Ballintubber featuring the Garvey and Carley families who kindly hosted two of the teenagers....

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Going Plastic Free

September 22, 2019

Local Students from St Brides School Ballintubber going plastic free using plates and cutlery made from Bamboo


Ballintubber Rambling Loop

August 07, 2019

Delighted to say Ballintubber Rambling Loop, has officially passed its inspection.... scoring a whopping 95 percent. One of the highest scores  the County has ever received.

We are now an Accredited Trail and listed on the National Trails register. 

Another welcome addition to our beautiful village.

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Anthomy Waldronm Elected

May 26, 2019

Great News for Ballintubber .....


"Superb", "Sensational", "Unprecedented", "Unexpected", "Shock" - some of the terms used to describe my election to Roscommon County Council.

Well, what a weekend and what a few months that was. Your support at the doors and on the streets shone through on the day. I can assure you that I'm definitely not shocked by my performance but I am most certainly humbled. Everyone showed me and my team unbelievable warmth throughout the campaign and this came through on the day, THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Thanks also to everyone for all your kind words over the weekend. I hope to meet you all over the coming days and thank you personally for your support, none of this would be possible without you!

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Great News for Ballintubber

April 13, 2019

***Major Announcement***

Minister for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief Kevin "Boxer" Moran, announced at the launch of my Campaign that he is handing back Ballintubber Garda station to the community of Ballintubber.

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Ballintubber Old Graveyard Book by Mary Timoney

December 23, 2018

Ballintober Old Graveyard and The Grave Memorials of Co. Roscommon by Mary B Timoney.
The Book is richly illustrated has 528 pages and 1,331 images and would make a perfect gift. This is available in Kennys Pub, Garveys Bar or request via our facebook page Ballintubber Tidy Towns cost is €40

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Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Old Irish Ways

December 23, 2018

This DVD will be the perfect gift for someone special , a one hour and twenty minute film of Ballintubber Heritage featuring turf cutting, hay making, making St. Bridget crosses, traditional music and dance, visit Colm Dalys Old World Shop, An American wake and much more filmed during summer of 2017. Available in Kennys shop, Garveys Bar or Ballintubber Tidy Towns on our Facebook Page cost €10

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Ballintubber Looped Walk

November 19, 2018

NEW BALLINTUBBER RAMBLING WALK UPDATE;  This walk will be approx 4km in length and family friendly. The walk will begin at the castle, across into local fields and down to Willsgrove Hall and the Thatched cottage. This used to be the Old Mass Path used by residents in times passed to come to the village.  A beautiful scenic walk that we hope everyone will enjoy.  Work has commenced so we will keep you updated.

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Three more Aqwards for Ballintubber

November 19, 2018

Another great evening for Ballintubber Tidy Towns receiving three awards at Castle Leslie Monaghan.

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All Ireland Prideo of Place Runner up 2018

November 17, 2018

Ballintubber are so proud and delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Runner Up in the All Ireland Pride of Place Awards 2018.

Thank you to Roscommon County Council for nominating Ballintubber to Represent Co Roscommon in these awards we were honoured to do so.

Thank you to everyone in the community who participated and worked so hard in helping Ballintubber achieve this award. Special thanks also to Gail and Yvonne who worked so tirelessly putting this all together.


House for Rent

October 14, 2018

House for Rent Ballintubber Village 


Please call 086 213 0723 for more details..

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Ballintubber Tidy Towns 

September 24, 2018

We are proud to announce that we won the National Award for Diversity, the Bronze award for endeavour and came 3rd in the county in the Supervalue Tidy Town Awards.

We could not have done this without all the help from our volunteers, who work very hard to help keep our village looking clean and tidy.

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Suck Valley Way Walkers from the USA

September 09, 2018

Ballintubber gave a warm welcome to Suck Valley Way walkers all the way from the USA.  The Suck Valley Way website is almost up and running, they are looking for people who may be able to offer B&B to walkers in Ballintubber and surrounding areas. 

Please contact Graham on 087 682 4217 if you have a spare room and can offer an overnight stay on a B&B basis.

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Castles in the communities 4th Field Season

July 20, 2018

The Castles in Communities Project is happy to be back again this year, our 4th field season, and once again be receiving such a warm welcome from everyone in Ballintober. We are also really enjoying the lovely weather, which is helping us gets lots done this year! Now in our third week (only one and a half more to go!), we are continuing excavations in the Castle with a focus on the eastern towers, we are exploring the remains of a deserted settlement in Garvey's field (we hope to find out if it dates to medieval times by the end of this field season), and we are continuing our survey of surrounding areas to better understand the ancient landscape. In addition we have commenced a detailed survey of the Graveyard, with intentions to create a 3-D map. Upon completion (expected in 2019), our plan is to gift our survey to the community. We enthusiastically welcome everyone to join us at any of our remaining evening lectures in the schoolhouse (Mondays, Tuesday & Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.), and would especially like to see many at the lecture on Thursday, 26th of July at 7:00 p.m. in the Old Schoolhouse, when we plan on presenting our work from this 2018 season. Again, we express our sincere appreciation to everyone who has helped to make this project an ongoing success! 



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Active Age Pony Drive Fundraiser

July 07, 2018

Active Age Ballintubber Pony Drive fundraiser was a great success and raised a total of 734 euro.
We would like to thank Bonnie Garvey and Tom garvey who were the hosts today and provided the food.
Mary A Burke and PJ who kindly organised the event and also the Hot 2 Trot pony club who gave generously of their time.
We also would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations and spot prizes all greatly appreciated.

Michael Holland , Eileen Kenny, Frank Cafferty, Tony Dollard (Music) , Active Age Members who gave spot prizes ,,,,
Local Businesses:-
Castlerea -
Whispys, Tom Flynns, Kearneys Chemist, Tullys Chemist, Mace, Michael Gunning, Supervalue, All Clear Pharmacy, Scahills- 
Roscommon - 
Gleesons Townhouse, Hynes Pharmacy, Boots Chemist,Euro Giant, Molloys chemist..
Our American Friends in the Kids fun tent, who did a great job of face painting, hair braiding and balloon making.
Thank you to everyone who came along today and gave support we really appreciate it...

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Suck Valley Way Visitors from Overseas

May 12, 2018

A warm Ballintubber welcome was given to two German tourists who were doing the Suck Valley Walk.

Starting in Castlecoote arriving in Ballintubber and then continuing to Castlerea. Whilst here they visited the historical sights staying overnight in local accommodation.


Pride Of Place

May 09, 2018

Exciting news Ballintubber has been selected to represent Roscommon in the Pride of Place Competition which commences next month. The competition focus is about people coming together to shape, change and improve daily lives in their communities. Its a great honour to represent our county and we will be looking to you all for a helping hand. 

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Castles in the Communities Short Film Launch

May 09, 2018

Castles in the Communities short film launch on Friday April 20th, the night was a great success and a great crowd attended. A few pictures on the night are featured in the Roscommon People Newspaper. These short films are available to view now on the Heritage section.

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RWN Intercultural Project at The Old Schoolhouse Ballintubber

April 22, 2018

The RWN county wide intercultural project keeps spreading its wings, today we had a wonderful afternoon in the Old School House Ballintubber. After 5 weeks of Irish dancing workshops in the EROC centre Ballaghaderreen, Irish dancing teacher, Ethna Fahy of Fahy school of dancing invited the Syrian children to her class in Ballintubber who danced beautifully. The warm welcome by the community of Ballintubber was as warm as the beautiful sunny day. Thanks to Ballintubber Tidy towns who donated 2 huge sacks of toys to the children and to Ursula Cunnane for donating books and to Debbie Livermore, Marion Mitchell & Fiona Thompson for your help in organising the hall. Such an inclusive community. The intercultural project continues to grow and integrate communities on its way. This Project is led by Roscommon Women's Network and funded by Department of Integration & Roscommon County Council.


Launch of Ballintubber Castles in Communities Short Films

April 11, 2018

Last Summer, a group of 75 American college students and academic staff arrived in Ballintubber to stay and work on a month-long Archaeological Field School on Ballintubber Castle. This was the third year that the Castles in Communities project has taken place in Ballintubber and to document the activities and events taking place around it, the Community &Enterprise Department of Roscommon County Council commissioned a series of short films about this unique project.


During the month of July, film producers Mimar Media spent time with the students, staff and locals and captured how a small community has reached out overseas to open their village and their way of life to visitors for a whole month.

The short films capture a flavour of why this project works, what is so unique about the students being embedded in the community and what the locals and students think of the whole experience. It’s about all the factors that come together to make this project happen. Documenting the build-up in the run-up to the project, the various events planned, the work of the students and staff on the project, the reactions of the locals and the parting thoughts of the students, the films reveal the friendly welcoming nature of the community of Ballintubber and the enthusiasm of the students staying locally.

Under the banner of Real Roscommon, the films are: “A Castle in our Community”, “Having a Ball in Tubber”, “Not your Bog Standard day” and “Heritage Tour”, the films will launched by the Community of Ballintubber in the Old School House on Friday, April 20th at 8.30pm and all are welcome!
Following the official launch of the films, they will be available to view on the website and on various social media outlets such as and Roscommon County Council Facebook Pages.


Ballintubber featured in the Foothills Student News!

February 17, 2018

The Script, a student-run media group and news source for Foothills College in the US recently featured a story about Ballintubber. Here's an extract of what they said....

The Ireland program will take place from July 1 – August 2 in Ballintober, a small village in County Roscommon, a two hour train ride from Galway or Dublin. Students will spend time excavating castles, surveying the land, and doing lab analysis. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to learn advanced archaeological techniques such as ground-penetrating radar survey and magnetometry to investigate a buried village. Participants will also have the opportunity to take at least 12 units of Anthropology classes while there, which will be taught in person by professors and faculty with over 100 years of combined experience in teaching archaeology. The program will cost $3,150, not including airfare.

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Heritage Weekend starts Saturday 16th July 2022

February 12th 2022

Calling all stall holders big & small would you like to join us for our Heritage weekend in Ballintubber.

Display your products, business or service at our street stalls on Display Day Saturday 16th July.

A great opportunity for advertising and networking.

Book your space or stall before July 10th by ringing or text 086 8428659

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International Biodiversity Day

May 22nd 2022

In keeping with Biodiversity week Tom and David Sewing Green Manure seeds in the Biodiversity

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Sunflower Challenge

May 2022

Ballintubber Sunflower Challenge,.... Can you grow the tallest Sunflower in Ballintubber. Have a go , germinate your seeds Plant outside and watch it grow

Entries by WhatsApp 086 8631276 include name , age,, address and eircode

Prize for tallest sunflower.

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Presentation to British Ambassador in Ballintubber

May 2nd 2022

Cllr Anthony Waldron giving a presentation to British Ambassador Paul Johnston during his visit to Ballintubber Castle this morning.


Happy Easter 

April 13th 2022

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out by decorating and painting in the village this Easter . The Village looks beautiful. Thanks also to Casey's in Roscommon for the beautiful bulbs that are blooming throughout the village.

Wishing all our friends at home and abroad a very happy easter.


Ukranian Appeal

March 6th 2022

Active Age Ballintubber and Ballintubber Tidy Towns hosted an appeal for desperately needed stuff for .

Thank you so much to the volunteers who gave up their time to help sort, pack and  distribute much needed items. 

Also thank you so much to all those who generously contributed to this worthwhile cause it was very much appreciated.

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QR codes istalation

February 12th 2022

Thanks to our busy volunteers, out installing our QR codes in baltic conditions. Always doing something in the background Keep an eye out , our new QR Coded Biodiversity Trail launching soon


We can't wait..thanks to the Leader programme Roscommon Leader Partnership Roscommon County Council for the funding and also Castles in Communities for their contribution and ongoing support

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Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme

November 29th 2021

We are delighted to announce that Ballintubber/ Ballymoe Waterway and Looped Cycle Project has been awarded €179,730 this morning under ORIS Measure

2. This is to further develop the fishing, cycling, and kayaking facilities and experience along the River Suck.

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Daffodil Challenge

October 31st 2021

Following on from our gathering in Ballymoe on Friday, the Cathaoirligh Cllr Joe Murphy, Roscommon and Cllr Peter Keaveney of Galway will meet in Ballygar outside The Courthouse @ 11.30 a.m. on Sunday 31st October, 2021.

A Daffodil planting ceremony will take place to signify the mutual commitment of both Counties in strengthening the initiatives of our glorious thesuckvalleyway.

NOTE: special thanks to Senator Sharon Keogan who orchestrated this DaffodilChallenge and kindly sponsored 500 bulbs - the flowers will be sold in aid of the IrishCancerSociety next Spring!


Outdoor Recreational Project

August 11th 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have received an allocation of over €56k from the Transitional Leader Programne towards our outdoor recreational project which includes a wheelchair accessible fishing area and Kayak launch, a 12km family friendly cycle and information kiosks. An additional allocation of €10k was secured through the Roscommon Municipal District Fund. We want to sincerely thank Roscommon County Council, Roscommon LEADER Partnership, Roscommon LCDC, Roscommon Municipal District Committee and our locally elected reps for their support. We also want to thank everyone who supported our recent fundraiser, this allows us to provide match funding for the project.


Photography Competition

August 17th 2021

Many thanks to all for submitting photos for our Sustainability in Action Photography Competition

This years theme is on Protecting our Natural Resources

Maximum Two entries per Person

Send via WhatsApp 086 8428659 or in message on our Ballintuber Tidy Towns Facebook Page. 

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Rambling Looped Walk Maintenance

June 2nd 2021

Thanks to Roscommon Leader Partnership TUS & RSS participants for commencing maintenance works on the Rambling Looped Walk , fencing parts to keep livestock from damaging the trail is greatly appreciated. Remember when walking adhere to Covid restrictions but also to signage i.e livestock, electric fences.

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Looking for Volunteers......

May 19th 2021

Have you an hour to spare because of Lockdown and bad weather we are behind with our Spring Clean and painting. If you are able to help in anyway we would be delighted to hear from you..

Betty    087 092 9930

Eileen  087 230 8895


Ballintubber Easter Recycling Project

May 10, 2021

Thanks to all those who helped and supported the Ballintubber Easter Project. A big thank you to LCDC section or Roscommon Co Co who funded the project it was a great sucess and lifted the spirits of those in the community, with many people taking part and recyclying and upcyclying to make the village look lovely at Easter time.


Ballintubber Development Association

April 13, 2021

It's great to see work starting back on the lights up the Roscommon road today. Works had been suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions. The Ballintubber Development Association secured Clar funding for this project which will see all 5 kilometers of footpaths around the village fully lit.

Also many thanks again to everyone who supported our Easter Draw funds from this draw will go towards securing match funds from agencies like the Leader and the Dept of Rural and Community Development.


Easter Bonnet Competition Winners

April 8, 2021

Active Age Easter Bonnet competition.. There was an amazing display of over 80 hats such creativity and talent. Well done to everyone to took part to make it a huge success. Thanks to Betty and Eileen for sponsoring some of the prizes and to Active age members who also contributed prizes for this event.

               Prize                    Children's                                         Prize                       Adults

1st           €20                 Muirean Feeney                1st           €30                        Liam O'Connor