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Herb Bed & Stream
Herb Bed and Stream
Kitchen herbs, like rosemary, thyme, savoury and mint all produce flowers useful to pollinators, in fact, many of the fruits and vegetables that we might plant around our gardens can also support biodiversity. Apples, courgettes, pumpkins, cherries, currants, runner beans and tomatoes all create little sources of food for local pollinators. Local is actually a key word here as many wild bees only range from a few hundred meters to a few kilometers in search of food, so it’s important for us to ensure that there are little pockets dotted throughout the landscape. Vegetable gardens, allotments and even a few herb pots are a great way to bring a bit of nature into urban areas.

Little streams like the one behind the herb garden here are important for our aquatic species. It can be surprising how many fish can be found in the most unexpected little watercourses. Streams play a key part in the life cycles of fish like salmon, which swim upstream to lay their eggs in gravel beds. The young then spend the first few years of their life living in the stream before venturing out to the sea. They will eventually return to the same river to spawn once again, using earth’s magnetic field to guide them.
Fun fact: Salmon are anadromous, meaning that they can survive in both fresh and saltwater unlike most other fish which are bound to one or the other.
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